2023/2024 Chinese Government Scholarship Management in USST - Notes to Scholarship Students


Chinese Government Scholarship Students:


In accordance with the relevant regulations of China Scholarship Council, the administrative rules of the Chinese Government Scholarship for the 2023/2024 academic year of University of Shanghai for Science and Technology are hereby announced as follows. Please follow them.


From the fall semester of 2023, students studying in China on Chinese government scholarships will be required to return to campus to receive off-line teaching, and the management measures before the epidemic will be fully restored.


1     Return to USST campus


Students who are unable to return to school due to personal reasons will be treated as giving up their scholarship qualifications and will no longer retain their scholarship qualifications.



2    Registration


1     The registration requires scholarship students to complete the registration in the Chinese Government Scholarship Management Information System (hereinafter referred to as the Management System), and then the university will review and confirm the student registration information.


2 Scholarship students are required to complete the registration in the Chinese Government Scholarship Management Information System (hereinafter referred to as the Management System) from September 1st to September 20th. The university will review and confirm the student registration information.

Scholarship students must register in the management system from March 1st to March 20th. The university will review and confirm the student registration information..

Please use the CSC registration number to land management system and complete the registration https://studyinchina.csc.edu.cn/?9FyBl6JDFLTe=1662545759941#/login, forgetting the CSC registration number or password, Email huakf@usst.edu.cn for your CSC registration number or to request a password reset. The teaching method must be changed from online to offline. If the passport number is wrong in the basic information, scholarship students should inform the International Students Office of the International Exchange Office (hereinafter referred to as the International Students Office) to modify it in time; If any other information is incorrect, scholarship students shall submit an application for information change through the management system after registration, and the university will revise the application in the system after review. If the student status information is wrong, the International Student Office shall report it to the China Scholarship Council for examination and approval through the management system according to relevant regulations.
请用CSC登记号登陆管理系统并完成注册 https://studyinchina.csc.edu.cn/?9FyBl6JDFLTe=1662545759941#/login,遗忘CSC登记号或登陆密码的,请发邮件至huakf@usst.edu.cn问询CSC登记号或申请重置密码。学生授课方式均须由“线上”改为 “线下”。基本信息中,护照号码有误的,奖学金生可通知国际交流处留学生办公室(以下简称留学生办公室)及时在系统内修改;其余信息有误的,需在完成注册后,由奖学金生通过管理系统提交信息变更申请,学校审核后在系统内进行修改。学籍信息有误的,留学生办公室按相关规定通过管理系统报国家留学基金委员会审批。

If the scholarship student gives up the opportunity studying in China or fails to register within the time limit, the university will confirm waive in the management system.

3 Review of Freshmen Scholarship Qualification

New students who fail to pass the qualification review shall not be registered. If any of the following circumstances occurs, the student will be deemed to have failed the re-examination, and the university will report to the China Scholarship Council for review and cancel the student's scholarship eligibility:

1 The scholarship student does not comply with the important personal information provided on application.

2 Provide false education certificates, language proficiency certificates, admission letters and other materials.

3 The actual state of health of the scholarship student is not consistent with the information recorded on the medical examination form or to the promise of his/her health.

4 Enjoy other scholarships set up by Chinese governments at all levels or by the university.

4Disbursement of Living Allowance

1 Living allowance will be disbursed monthly to the scholarship students who are in normal study status in China and new students who pass the review of scholarship eligibility.

2 For former students (students of Grade 2019 and before) who have returned to China and can guarantee the normal academic progress and pass the academic examination,. their living allowance will be paid after they return to school, and their living allowance during the overseas study period will be refunded

3 For students who have not been in China before (students of Grade 2020, 2021 and 2022), the living allowance will be disbursed monthly after they have registered in China and passed the review of scholarship eligibility.

5 Changes of study status

In principle scholarship students are not allowed to change school, student category, major, teaching language, length of study and other school status information after admission. If it is necessary to change, students should submit an application through the management system within the specified time and notify the application content by email to huakf@usst.edu.cn. After approval by the university, the application should be submitted to the China Scholarship Council for approval. Applications for change of major, change of student category, change of teaching language, change of Chinese tutoring and change of university will be accepted from September 1 to October 31, 2023. Applications will not be accepted after the deadline.

1 Change of Major

1. Scholarship students who apply to change their major must obtain the approval of the scholarship application processing agency, and pass the language and academic ability examination of the major transferred to. In principle, the scholarship period shall not be changed after the change of major, except for the change of the length of study.

2. Scholarship students can apply for a change of major only once during their academic years.Students in independent enrollment program of the university can only change within the approved majors of the program.

2 Change of Study Duration

The major study duration determined during the admission of scholarship students shall not be changed in principle. If there are special reasons to changes, the school should provide relevant official documents and submit them to the China Scholarship Council for approval.

3 Student category change

1. Students with academic qualifications who apply to improve their study level must submit corresponding academic certificates and pass relevant academic examinations; An application to lower the learning level shall not be approved

2. The change from degree pursuing students to advanced students must be approved by the embassy in China or the application processing agency.

3. The specific requirements of each independent program shall prevail for students applying to change the student category.

4 Change of teaching language

1. The teaching language of undergraduate students must be Chinese and cannot be changed to English or other foreign languages.

2. Postgraduates or advanced students who were originally admitted to teach in English can apply for changing to teach in Chinese if their Chinese proficiency level meets the requirements of scholarship application after assessment.

3. Postgraduates or advanced students who were originally admitted to teach in Chinese can apply for changing the teaching language if their English or other foreign language level meets the learning requirements of relevant majors after assessment.

4. Scholarship students can only change the teaching language once during the study period.

5Remedial of Chinese language ability
1. If the Chinese language level of the students is not up to the requirements of the major, the undergraduate students can apply to transfer to the preparatory school for an additional year of preparatory study. Postgraduates or advanced students may apply for an additional year of Chinese language study at the University or other scholarship institutions.

2. Postgraduates or advanced students who were originally enrolled in English courses and apply to change to Chinese courses, but their Chinese level does not meet the learning requirements, can apply for an additional year of Chinese tutoring.

3. Students who, after one year of preparatory study or remedial Chinese study, have not yet met the requirements of their major studies (in principle, their Chinese proficiency must be one level below the requirements of their major studies, i.e., level 3 for HSK Level 4, level 4 for HSK Level 5, and Level 5 for HSK level 6) may apply for an additional one year Chinese proficiency scholarship. Those who do not meet the above requirements can apply for one additional year of Chinese tutoring at their own expense, during which the scholarship qualification will be retained. Students who still fail to meet the admission requirements after two years of Chinese tutoring will be disqualified from the scholarship.

4. Students who have not obtained the certificate of Chinese proficiency that meets the admission standards at the time of admission but have issued the certificate of Chinese proficiency after admission, and have met the requirements of professional learning after the school test, can apply for cancellation of Chinese remedial study or preparatory study.

5. For postgraduates or advanced students whose teaching language is Chinese at the time of admission, and who apply to change the teaching language to English or other foreign languages, their Chinese tutoring arrangement will be cancelled after the school tests meet the requirements for professional learning.

6 Extension of scholarship

1. The duration of the scholarship for undergraduate and postgraduate students shall not be extended in principle.

2. Doctoral candidates who have passed the annual review, proposal report and mid-term review can apply to the China Scholarship Council for extension of the scholarship period through the university before the specified date (usually in April, the university will issue a formal notice). The scholarship period can be extended after the approval is obtained. The scholarship period can be extended for a maximum of one year.

7 Transfer

1. In principle, scholarship students should complete their studies at the admitted school. Students who need to transfer to another university due to changes in teaching conditions or reasons other than their own, or who suffer from illness due to climate reasons and need to transfer to other regions, can apply for transfer. The university should provide relevant proof materials, and the medical certificate must be issued by a 3A hospital. Transfer is not allowed under any of the following circumstances:

Not having completed one semester after enrollment or being a year away from graduation

Changing from low educational level to high educational level

Either of the schools to be transferred to or from disagreeing with the transfer

Admitted through the independent enrollment program       

Not having adequate reasons

2. Scholarship students should apply within prescribed time, and the university will issue a letter of consent after approval. Students should contact the university to transfer by themselves and obtain the letter of consent to transfer in. The approval of proposed supervisor is required for graduate students.

3. Scholarship students can only transfer to another university after obtaining the approval of the embassy of their home country in China or the application accepting agency, as well as the review and approval of the China Scholarship Council. The scholarship period will not be extended after transfer. Students are only allowed to transfer once during the scholarship period.

8 Suspension and resumption of schooling

1. If scholarship students submit suspension application to the university during their studies, the university will review and submit it to the China Scholarship Council for record within two weeks prior to the suspension upon the approval of the university. In principle, the suspension period is one year at most, during which the scholarship will be suspended.

2. Students who apply to resume study after suspension should apply to the school to resume their studies one month before the suspension expires. The application shall be reviewed by the school and submitted to the China Scholarship Council for record within two weeks after the student come to school. The scholarship period will be extended after the resumption of study.休学后申请复学的学生,应在休学期满一个月前向学校提出复学申请,经学校审核同意后,于学生到校两周内报国家留学基金委备案。复学后奖学金期限顺延。

3.It is strictly prohibited to make up the suspension procedure afterwards.


6 Scholarship annual audit

1. The annual scholarship review should be completed in accordance with the work notice issued by the China Scholarship Council, which is usually issued in the spring semester (April).

2. Students who pass the annual audit will be eligible for the 2024/2025 scholarship. Those who do not participate in the annual audit without reason will be disqualified for the scholarship.

3. Students whose behavior has met the conditions of suspension or cancellation of scholarship will be reported without delay to China Scholarship Council and will be dealt with according to the annual audit methods.