Recently, Clarivate has announced the 2024 list of Highly Cited Researchers globally, featuring 6,636 scientists from more than 1,200 institutions spanning 59 countries and regions. Our university has achieved a total of five selections.
The team headed by Academician Gu Min from the School of Artificial Intelligence Science and Technology (SAIST) has one selection.
The team led by Academician Dou Shixue from the Institute of Energy Materials Science (IEMS) has four selections.
The university is proud to announce that we have 5 individuals who have been recognized as “Highly Cited Researchers” on a global scale for the year 2024, securing our position among mainland Chinese universities at 47th in the rankings.
It has been reported that the number of individuals from Chinese mainland on the list has significantly increased once again, reaching a total of 1,405, which accounts for 20.4% and secures its position as the second highest globally. Scholars from Chinese mainland who have been selected for this list have published numerous highly cited papers over the past decade, with their citation frequency ranking in the top 1% of their respective fields in the Web of Science, underscoring their substantial academic influence among their peers. Since 2018, the proportion of Chinese mainland scientists among the world's highly cited researchers has surged from 7.9% to the current 20.4%, illustrating how the globalization of research is facilitating a significant global rebalancing of high-level scientific and academic contributions.
Highly Cited Researchers is a list of researchers selected by Clarivate Analytics' bibliometric experts based on citation analysis of 21 subject areas in the natural and social sciences using the Web of Science database. This list highlights researchers with the most highly cited papers in each field, indicating global peer recognition and significant citation impact.